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Posted by on 2013/09/15 under Uncategorized

Some people say i am shy. I don’t consider myself shy….just talking to some people they make me feel so inferior to them. I feel like anything i say would just make them think i’m stupid. I don’t know why it is so hard for me to open up to people i don’t know. But I cant do it. I’m so scared of being hurt i don’t open up. There is absolutely NO ONE in this world that knows me. I guess that’s why i made this account to actually open up. To someone, anyone. With out them knowing me. I don’t talk much just because i prefer not to..which i guess comes off as quiet. Which i am technically. But its because i don’t have anything to say to them. I also have this thing about me where i shut people out because or i make sure i’m not embarrassed so i put up a wall. I guess i just really don’t want to get hurt. So much that i am constantly thinking one step ahead. Just so i don’t get hurt. Its so exhausting i just cant let loose and not care about that. I don’t know why not. I would love to be able too.

2 thoughts on “Shy….No.

  1. Anonymous says:

    You spoke who I am :O thank you so much! Now I know why I am “shy” and “quiet” at school. I don’t know if I like it or not either… it’s confusing but everything you said is like me. Like 99% of the time I wait til the teacher calls on me because I’m so used to being known as quiet. I am actually a little bit proud of that 1% that I do answer questions which is dumb to me because I try and challenge myself to answer the questions and then I later beat myself down about not answering the 95% of questions I knew in that class. It sucks. Everybody is so judgemental though. If you answer a question, it be right or wrong, it doesn’t matter because they still judge you. I feel enclosed forever in my utmost silence when I’m at school… okay maybe that’s pushing it. I’m done talking here.

  2. sk25 says:

    Exactly. I dont know what to do though…. like im just confused i guess. when i get home i feel so comfortable i can talk about whatever. I just feel like it isnt fair that people can make you feel out of place at school. when really we all are. why do people get the right to be judgmental. why do they get to talk about you behind your back, or make fun of you. its not like they have any idea who i am, or anything about me.

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